Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Turn-around Tuesday!

New title for Tuesdays around here. It's a day where everything is done...out of order. Different. New. Fun. So why not do that here on this 'ol blog?

I was thinking about this whole fitness stuff. How some days it can be so miserable and hard, while other days it's such a rush and exciting to get out there and run. Such a difference between the two, but one thing I found in common: the after effect. How I feel afterwards is..accomplished. (how's that for a 'turn-around'. Accomplished after a hard workout. :D) Think about it..sometimes the hardest part of a workout is simply getting out of bed. Getting started. But, in the end, you did it. YOU DID IT! (Clap, cheer!!) There was a quote I once read that said, "You have 365 days to do something, to make a change. You can either look back at the end of those 365 days and say 'wow, I could be so much farther along because I did nothing'. Or you can look back at those days and say, "Wow!! look how far I've come". Which one will you choose?

Start today. Make TODAY a turn-around for you. So you don't like to workout. So it's hard to get started. So it's boring. But you know what? You can do it. Everyone can do 30 seconds of something. Then, take that 30 seconds and stretch it out into 45..then 60. And before you know it, you're well on your way.

Listen to the cheering section in this video..

You can be your own fan. :D

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