Wednesday, January 20, 2010


It's time to be accountable. Pick someone or something (hey, I know we all have talking to the cat or plant from time to time..) and be accountable. It's Wednesday..weigh-in day! This can be a YEAHH!! or a UGGH!! kind of day. Today, it's a
Hmmmmm kind of day. Holding steady. The weight is not going up or down. So I can smile about that, but also wonder what I need to do to kick it up a bit.

I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one who has a scale that doesn't budge. Or a day that isn't going exactly how I planned. Am I the only one who wants to give up and cuddle on the couch in a cozy blanket rather then go running out in the cold? Is there any reason why I do what I do?? Then I found this. (I'll admit, he's one of my favorite athletes.) I know I'm not the only one. Everyone has to work hard to get the results you're hoping for. Everyone has to put in effort and time to gain the worthwhile award in the end. Famous or not..we all have 'those days'.


  1. i'm thinking crawl under a rock more like. unfortuantely i can't watch the video - but i'm right there with ya on the frustrated scale.

  2. this is awesome, thank you for linking to this video! i love being inspired by things like this! when i see people working this hard toward their goal, i know there is nothing that i can't do. i'm going to link to this at shrinking jeans, i have to! congrats on the maintenance!! that's a good thing!!

  3. You are NOT the only one to have those moments (or days). There have been plenty of times that it would have been so easy to give up. So you have a bad day(s), when you come out of it, you just have to dust off your pants and get back on the ride. You can do it!

    Lisa @ Shrinking Jeans

  4. Great post... believe it or not I had never of heard of Apolo until recently.
