Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's not about how hard you get hit...

Watch this, you'll understand..

I was thinking today about what I could write. It was a 'so-so' kind of night, making this morning sluggish. Not the best of mornings for a workout, let alone a run. But every time I have one of these days, I want to workout even more. I WANT to do what it is that my mind is telling myself I don't. (did that make sense? I'm feeling a little confused. :D) So, I found this video. And I love it. No, I LOVE it. The part where the son says, "Don't you care what people think??" And later, how Rocky responds by saying, "the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there...but it ain't about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take, and keep moving forward." Ohhhh did that put me in my place today. What's with all my excuses? So, it was a tough night. So it was a rough start this morning. Does that mean I can't give my best to myself today? Um. no. All it means is that it was a rough night and a tough start. And that's where it ends.

If all I have is one hour to devote to running. To devote to working out. To devote to myself..then that's one hour I need to give and do completely. Why? Because the end result will be amazing. It will be a happier me, a more healthier me. And that..that is how winners are made. :)

Let me ask..what did you do today that made you a winner? Come know there's an answer to it. Go look in the mirror, I'll bet you'll see it staring right back at you.

Up tomorrow..some running tips! Love these! :D

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