Monday, May 10, 2010

Up and at 'em

So my little guy climbs into bed this morning at 3. Not unusual. It's been happening a lot lately. No..a LOT. When he climbs in, I climb out. I can't sleep after I wake up. So my day usually starts around 3. It starts with a workout. A nice 50-60 minute fast paced walk. I love it. Every day it starts this way. Rain or shine, I gotta get my walk in. There's just something about being awake when everyone else is still sleeping. That quiet time all to myself. It's when I do my pep talk. It goes something like this:

'Why am I up?'
-because it's time to get up. Now quit laying there and get moving!
'But it's early'
-yeah, it's early, but you have a lot do to and you'll thank yourself later. now get up!!
'but..even the birds are still sleeping'
-yes and they fly all day. you don't. Now get up and move!

Back and forth. To get up or not. In the end, I always decide to get up. It's a blessing to be able to wake up and move. That's something I've learned living with MS. You never know if you'll be able to move on any given day.

Here is a little video I found. Beautiful. Perfect way to start the day before it gets busy and full. Remember to take time out for yourself every day. Every day..


  1. Steph~ You are AMAZING!! You are such an inspiration to me!! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself always~ I hope you had a wonderful mothers day!!
    Lots of love~

  2. we got a puppy.. I am up alot during the night.. I forgot how much I need sleep.. beautiful video clip girlie.. miss you

  3. Thanks ladies. :)
    You got a puppy!? Cute!! I saw those photos on Facebook..that's the new addition, right?
    And Tiff..blushing over here. :) Thank you!
