Monday, June 7, 2010

13+ miles

Alright..this week's challenge from over that Shrinking Jeans is to get in at least 13.7 miles. Walking, biking, hiking, skipping, crawling, even wiggling (if you're moving forward..I guess it counts,right? :D). Ok. I can do this. Easy Peasy! Maybe. Sort of. Ok, but what if it wasn't? Or Isn't? What if it's going to be really hard and difficult? I think I'll just stop right now. Easier to stop then to start. Right? Maybe? Sort of? No. Ok. Gotcha.

Why is that? Why do we let fear stop us even before we start? I've always hated that, and wondered that and wanted to change that. Today's the day! It's Monday. A new week, a new start. Who needs January 1st to come around to have a fresh start? Not me, and not you either.

Dare to be powerful beyond measure. If that's walking a mile. A step. A second. That's more then what you thought you could do before. If it's running a minute. A lap. A marathon. Be powerful. Be great. Be you, and be the best you you can be.

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